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Flavio Herbart Menezes Crosara


Business Administration (PUC-GO) and Civil Engineering (UFMG). Postgraduate degree in Marketing from UFF, MBA in International Negotiations from PUC-GO, MBA in Tax Management from AVM, Master in Total Quality Management from UFF and Technology and Innovation from Harvard University. He holds Apimec certifications: CB, CT1 and CNPI-T; Anbima certifications: Valuation, Structured Funds, CPA and CGA (exempt); BM&FBovespa certifications: PQO and IPO; AAI certification from Ancord; CFP certification from Planejar. Associate FPA and CFA Institute. Certified as Administrator and Third-Party Asset Manager by CVM in accordance with Declaratory Act 12,665. University professor in undergraduate and graduate courses in disciplines related to the area of finance for 15 years. 25 years of experience in financial management and investments, 21 of which exclusively in Capital Markets, where he currently works.

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Mario Fernando Maia Queiroz


Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Brasília (UnB) and specialist in Auditing from FIPECAFI/USP. With the expertise acquired over 37 years as an employee of the Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen), he became director of Banco de Brasília SA, financial and commercial director of BRB Financeira, director of Market Relations at BRB DTVM, responsible for the insurance activities of the BRB conglomerate, Commercial Director of Credit and Risk Management at Banco do Estado de Goiás SA (BEG), Director of Operations at Agência de Fomento de Goiás S/A (GoiásFomento), assistant professor at the University of Brasília (UnB), and currently as President of the Association of Banks in the States of Goiás, Tocantins and Maranhão (ASBAN – GO/TO/MA).


Thomas Tosta de Sá


He entered the capital markets as a simple individual investor in 1965. In 1970, he set up his own investment consulting firm. At that time, he joined Abamec-São Paulo, provided consulting services to the investment banks Investbanco and Crefisul, and offered his office as a temporary headquarters for that entity. Thus, in 1974, Tosta de Sá represented Abamec-SP in the founding of the International Committee of Financial Analysts in Los Angeles, United States. Four years later, he went to New York University to pursue a master's degree in Administration, with an emphasis on Investment Analysis, and participated in all meetings of the International Committee of Financial Analysts between 1977 and 1978. The following year, he returned to Brazil and became an advisor to the President of Bovespa (until 1981). From 1981 to 1983, he worked as a director at Banespa Corretora in the Stocks and Commodities area; From 1983 to 1991, he worked in the area of International Trade as a director of Cicatrade and São Paulo Alpargatas. In that last year, he was invited to be the president of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), but at the time he was unable to accept the offer. However, in December 1993, he received again – and accepted – the invitation from then minister Fernando Henrique Cardoso to assume the presidency of the agency until August 1995. He promoted the reinsertion of the CVM in the context of global securities regulatory entities: he was president of the Council of Regulators of the Americas (COSRA) and of the Latin American Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), in 1995. From that year until 2000, he was the managing director of Banco Bandeirantes and, from 2001 to 2011, a partner at Mercatto Gestão de Recursos. During this period, he also coordinated the Executive Committee of the Master Plan for the Capital Market. In June 2011, he was invited by the chairman of the Board of Directors of the IBMEC Institute, former minister Reis Velloso, to take on the role of Executive President of the entity. With the closure of the IBMEC Institute, he founded CODEMEC, the Committee for the Development of the Capital Market.

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